Contact details
Contact Email
- David O’Callaghan
Tel : +33466028146
- Blandine Eininger
Tel : +33466028149
How to reach the laboratory?
By car: Direction Lyon or Montpellier (A9), or Marseille/Arles (A54) take the exit Nimes Ouest/Sommieres. After toll exit, go straight on first roundabout. Next roundabout, take third exit (Avenue Kennedy). Then take the second exit on the right (300 m). There are two exits close together. The first one is for ambulances, so take the second one. On the roundabout take first exit. The entrance to the parking (P) of the Faculté de Médecine is the first turn on the right, just before the hospitalCarémeau. At reception (R), take the stairs to the fourth floor (VBIC – INSERM U1047).
By train/bus: Gare de Nimes. Take the Trambus T2 to hospital Carremeau, stop at the Faculté de Médecine (B in detailed map). Bus tickets can be bought in the bus.
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